Saturday, August 12, 2006

Warning -- Not For The Immature

I found this written on a website recently. It wasn't exactly the type of webiste you'd expect to find something like this. I didn't think the guy who ran the website had a mature or sincere bone in his body, but I guess you can never judge a book by its cover (or even its first few pages apparently). I don't know why it resonates with me so much, as I don't find myself in any sort of love with anybody. But have you ever thought back in the past, to somebody you thought you loved, only to realize maybe you didn't? Of course, you have...and at the same time you're wondering how you can even tell the difference. Well maybe that's what it is. Anyway, read this quote and maybe you can get an idea of what I'm rambling on about:

No one can tell you whether or not you're in love. I believe that when it
happens, you'll just know. It won't matter what other people tell you, or what
they think. But, truth be told, it's hard to define love, even when you feel
what you think is love. There is no set test. There are a lot of symptoms,
however. If you find yourself thinking about her all the time,
if you would prefer to be with her over anyone else, if you can imagine spending
the rest of your life with her, if you feel comfortable imagining being faithful
to her forever, than yes, you may well be in love. I would say, however, why
does it matter that you give what you're feeling a label? The feeling is the
same, no matter what you call it. You don't need to call it "love"...just enjoy
it, go with it, take it as far as it will go. Being in love is nebulous at best.
You can't always just pin it down, and say 'yep, this is it. I'm sure now'. Love
will grow, or it will die out. You can't really predict the future. So I would
say, stop worrying about what to call what you're feeling, and just do what
feels right, and things will work out as they're supposed to.


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