Rue the Day
Did you get here by clicking a Johnny Cash line in my profile? Want more? The taste of love is sweet, when hearts like ours meet, i fell for ya like a child, ohhh but the fire went wild, i fell in to a burning ring of fire, i went down down down but the flames went higher, and it burns burns burns the ring of fire's finals time. This is the one time of the year you might catch me putting in some actual work. I want to stress the word MIGHT.
Of course, if I had an Xbox 360 you could bet I wouldn't be putting in ANY work and just leave my exam grades up to fate. But perhaps FATE has kept me from my lovely 360 for a reason. Damn you fate! You'll rue the day you crossed me!
So I WILL be studying for exams was my point. I have four classes, three finals, and a paper. The American Lit final and the Critical Thinking final will require a little studying I suppose. And I guess I'll look at past tests for that Math final. But that paper...damn that paper. That damn history paper. So it's on this book called "The Adventures of Ibn Battuta"...but don't let the word 'Adventures' fool you...he was actually quite the boring guy. Well I assume he is, I haven't read the book. The paper is due tomorrow at 12:30's currently 9:45 pm and I know nothing about Ibn Battuta. I found some sites earlier that I can get my info from...but I procrastinate.
Damn that paper.
Thursday I get drunk. I hope. Celebrate the end of the week!
What was the point of this post?
Stop reading.
I too wish i had a 360 to kill my time. And damn Microsoft for letting them be released with problems. Anyway if you get a chance check out my site.
Also, I hate it when I can't wait for something like the new XBOX, and it doesn't quite fulfill what i had imagined. I'll be damned if the Nintendo Revolution outsells the 360.
Anyway Later and keep the laughs coming. PS......I am very much Scot-Irish and don't worry about the spelling so much. The point is what matters,,,,,RIGHT>
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