There are many things in this world that are impossible to understand. Magic is one of those things. David Copperfield made the Hoover Dam dissapear? How does he do it?! Another of those things we don't understand is death. But that's not what this is about either. Another thing nobody will ever understand in the human brain...that's also not what this is about. Another thing is people who look like other people but aren't related...but that's wait, it is. That's what this is about.
One day I was watching the History channel, as I often do to expand my knowledge of our past to enrich my hopes for the future. Or some shit like that. Anyway, it was this piece about WWII. That's not all that amazing since eighty percent of the programs on the History Channel are about WWII. Apparently there's a lot to say about it.
Well I was watching and guess who pops on the screen? No, not "my mom"'re so juvenile. No, it was Hitler, Adolf Hitler. He was sticking out his hand, speaking all german, looking all gay in his small evil mustache and I was sitting there watching him and something struck me. I started to realize that Hitler looked VERY familiar...beside looking like Hitler that is. I thought about it a moment and I got it. Hitler looks like Kevin Spacey. Or more correctly, Kevin Spacey looks like Hitler.
I used Google Image Search like all red blooded Americans do, to confirm my beliefs. My beliefs were confirmed for the most part. When you put them next to each other you can still see the striking similarities but I must say they look more like each other when you don't see them together. I was a little dissapointed, but it's still there. Take a gander:

Do you see it? Receding hair line, egg shaped head, round eyes, same thin lips, same sunken cheeks. The only real difference I see, beside hair style and the fact they don't share mustache grooming tips (i.e. Spacey shaves, Hitler gays), is the chin.
Okay, so that look-a-like isn't perfect. Let's try another one. This one was popluar about 4 years ago after the tragic 9/11 affair. Everyone in the country knew the name Osama Bin Laden and people wanted him captured and killed. To this day that hasn't been done. But perhaps we've been looking in the wrong places.
Consider these pictures of Osama Bin Laden and Scotty Pippin:

You'll have to use a little imagination on this one. Look at Pippin. Sure, his face looks a little too long, but put on the bushy beard and the turban. Now what do you think? We found him!!! Oh looks like he's already been arrested by Houston Police Department. Sucks for him, getting caught in Texas of all places.
Stop reading.
- Rian